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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Major Depression Symptoms and Typology of Depression

There are some types of major depression which are characterised by its intensity. Everyone feels sadness or boredom at some point, for example after suffering a disappointment as the refusal of his application for a job. These feelings of sadness, however, are usually short-lived.

But depression is a medical condition characterized by intense feelings of sadness and despair and long term associated with other mental and physical changes. Depression is likely to affect privacy, social and professional one person.

It is estimated that 1 in 5 women and 1 in 10 men will experience depression at some point. Less commonly depression reaches children and adolescents than adults. In Canada, nearly 1.5 million people suffer from severe depression at any time, but less than a third of them seek medical attention.

A typology of depression
There are many types of depression, and diagnosis is mainly determined based on the nature and intensity of psychological and physical symptoms, their duration and their specific cause, when you can pinpoint.

1.Clinical Depression or Major Depressive Disorder or MDD
Clinical depression or major depressive disorder or MDD is the most important type of depression, in terms of prevalence and severity, but the symptoms and their intensity vary greatly among individuals. People with major depression do not necessarily suicidal and it could be that they have never received medical treatment. The interest that these people are in many activities and the pleasure they derive their energy level, their eating habits and phases of sleep are changing.

2. Dysthymia
Dysthymia refers to a light to moderate depression that persists for at least 2 years, and often longer. Despite the symptoms less severe than major depression, dysthymia can nevertheless affect a person's quality of life. It is often ignored that dysthymia is a medical condition that also responds favorably to treatment indicated in the case of major depression. Over time, some people with dysthymia turns at some point in major depression.

3. Bipolar Disorder, or Manic Depression
Bipolar disorder, or manic depression is characterized by alternating periods with an excited state with depressive episodes and a range of other important symptoms that do not appear in other types of depression.

4. Other Types of Depression
Other types of depression include seasonal affective disorder or SAD, psychotic depression and postpartum depression, that is to say:

SAD is a subtype of depression appears regularly at the same time each year (usually in late autumn or winter in North America);
Psychotic depression is characterized by a deep depression associated with hallucinations (perception of phenomena that do not exist in reality) or irrational beliefs (false ideas contrary to reason);
Postpartum depression, which is a subtype of depression often begins a few weeks after childbirth. It differs from the temporary state known as the "baby blues" (or baby blues) which usually occurs 24 to 72 hours after delivery. This transient condition is caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy and after childbirth and it usually disappears within one week or so. Postpartum depression lasts longer than the depression associated with "baby blues" and disrupts the emotional and social functioning of women.

In some cases, depression is associated with other chronic conditions have a negative impact on quality of life and well-being.

You can read here about treatment for major depressive disorder treatment, or here about major depressive disorder signs

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